
Showing posts with label local energy markets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local energy markets. Show all posts


Local Energy Markets

 Energy as a Service EaaS

for Communities Businesses and Properties

Energy Savings
solutions for your community business and property that enable the efficient utilization of resources with Pay per Use, On-Demand Services, micro grids, Distributed Energy Resources Management Systems - DERMS, combined Heat and power - CHP, energy service agreements – ESA, power purchase agreements – PPA, and Virtual Power Plants – VPP.

Delivering Value for Paying Customers and Efficiency for Suppliers

Virtual Power Plants - VPP - are networks of energy producers, consumers and storage providers in your Local Energy Market - LEM. LEMs are aggregators that generate value by monitoring, predicting, optimizing and dispatching energy consumption and generation.

Benefits in collaboration with similar VPPs, LEMs trade energy with each other as demand requires; participants benefit from management of their consumption with purchases effected at low-cost times as the LEM continuously balance electric grids and integration with utilities.

function as independent electric companies tasked with reducing demand during times of higher energy costs by managing the distributed network flows across communities and regions.

Participation in a Local Energy Market is open to energy consumers, producers and storage facilities.

Distributed Generation
occurs on a property site when energy is sold to the building occupants; here, commercial PPAs enable businesses and governments to purchase electricity directly from the generator rather than from the utility.

Power Purchase Agreements PPA are a legal contract between an electricity generator and a power purchaser.