
Showing posts with label local. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local. Show all posts


Arezza - Transit Logistics

 Intercity and Local Mobility Services

Corriera and Transit Logistics
are intercity and local door-to-door mobility services designed to connect air and rail service in large cities with micropolitan areas to benefit:

• vacationers who can maximize sightseeing time and reduce accommodation costs,

• business travelers visiting multiple locations in a compressed timeframe, and

• long-distance commuters.

connect major air and rail metro hubs with micropolitan communities via intercity multimodal and local Micro Transit hub and spoke services to leverage travel client relationships and engage local product and service providers.

Customer Centered and Sustainable Transit Solutions for Small Communities

based entities designed to deliver services across the spectrum of transit modes and providers, including public transit, private operators, planners, and stakeholders to benefit local and regional customers.

The Logistics of Travel
are defined as anchoring stays in strategic locations along planned trip routes conveniently located to points of interest and minimizing the number of accommodation changes; hence, fewer times packing and unpacking, lowering accommodations and transport costs in:

Hub and Spoke Locations smaller towns and rural communities with regional rail, bus, van, car and air connections strategically located within 200 or less miles of larger metropolitan areas.

Sightseeing, meals, and other planned events in a hub and spoke fashion, saving time and money, but also an opportunity to slow down and enjoy places and people.

Mode of Transport selections are a function of number of persons, trip length as well as the time of year you are traveling. Rationalizing travel movements, ascertaining transport mode(s) availability and costs are the key to a successful trip planning.

Best Planned by Those with Knowledge of the Places You Visit


An Eco Museum in Your Community

A local, collective, private and public, entrepreneurial and sustainable economic development effort to create new employment and wealth opportunities:

Local a project made specifically for your community that draws on the history, traditions and talents that are unique to your town and region; shared, and paid for in part, with the participation and resources of visiting individuals, families, businesses, non profits and many others.

Collective a multidisciplinary approach that rests on the following wealth creating pillars:

o   Education and Training
o   Water Conservation and Management
o   Energy Savings and Creation Programs
o   Tourism services
o   Local typical products

The way out of a low wage, dead end job spiral: continuous acquisition of new collective knowledge

Private and Public drawing on the resources, expertise and vantage points of both in a carefully constructed partnership that is unique to the culture, values and needs of your territory

Entrepreneurial the freedom to be creative, to try something new, to fail in order to succeed!

Sustainable quality skills that empower the individual to create new wealth in the community in respect of the environment

Why  a Museum we cannot think of any other place -  anywhere - where history and culture, knowledge and learning, local citizens and visitors, the past and the future can come together and, building on past achievements, create new opportunities.

can we help make one for you
Un Eco Museo nel Tuo Territorio

Un progetto locale, collettivo, imprenditoriale, pubblico e privato, per uno sviluppo economico sostenibile mirato a creare nuove opportunità di lavoro e di benessere sociale:

Locale un progetto realizzato appositamente per la tua comunità che attinge alla storia, le tradizioni ed i talenti unici della tua città e regione; condiviso, e pagato in parte, con la partecipazione e le risorse di persone e famiglie in visita, le imprese, i non profit e tanti altri soggetti.

Collettivo un approccio multidisciplinare allo sviluppo locale con:

o   Istruzione e formazione
o   Gestione delle risorse idriche
o   Risparmio energetico  e sviluppo di nuove risorse
o   Servizi turistici
o   Prodotti tipici locali

La via d'uscita dalla stagnazione economica: la continua acquisizione del sapere collettivo

Pubblico e Privato puntando ad un utilizzo efficace di risorse, competenze ed i vantaggi di entrambi in un partenariato costruito con la massima attenzione alla cultura, i valori e le esigenze del tuo territorio

Imprenditoriale libertà di creare e provare qualcosa di nuovo, anche fallire per poi avere successo!

Sostenibilità competenze professionali valide che consentono di creare un nuovo benessere socio-economico nel rispetto dell'ambiente

Perchè un museo c’è forse un altro luogo in cui la storia e la cultura, il sapere e l'apprendere, il cittadino ed  il visitatore, il passato e il futuro possono incontrarsi e, partendo dalle tradizioni locali, creare delle nuove opportunità.

possiamo contribuire a crearne uno anche per te

Per Saperne di Piu'


I Wanna Tell You A Story

Welcome to our Blog.
The name I Wanna Tell You A Story - IWTS - was chosen because our objective is to present real stories from the communities that participate in the Arezza Network. IWTS focuses on:
  • sustainable economic development, entrepreneurship, small business and public-private partnerships;
  • the environment, energy and watershed projects, sustainable tourism and food, museums and culture;
  • the local knowledge and skills of our friends in these communities who want to reach out globally to exchange ideas, projects, goods and services;
IWTS is about business but through the lens of uniquely local perspectives that feature the lives of families and their children, their hopes, dreams and aspirations.
We look forward to your comments and interesting stories from your communities.