A New Supply Chain for Buyers and Suppliers
Logistics Solutions for small and mid-size manufacturers, ports, coastal and river marine and intermodal companies in support of domestic and export sales via customer centered and sustainable supply chain management solutions.
Arezza is tasked with identifying and implementing measures that reduce the cost along with the timely delivery of freight to its final destination. In today’s market environment these objectives must be met in the context of:
ESG - environment, social and government - standards and regulations
Energy efficiency and fuel consumption;
Technological advancements in carrier performance via digital data;
Projected requirements of small and medium sized - SME - businesses;
Quality of Services offered to the clients.
Partners and Suppliers participate in Arezza projects as follows:
Build Operate and Transfer provide equipment and know-how - turnkey, life cycle, after sales service - on a FOB basis and self-funds these tasks until the project becomes operational.
Arezza handles and self-funds project logistics, where applicable.
Projects are 5 to 7 years, renewable and generate cash flow when operational.
Deliverables at Cost Arezza does not mark-up your offer; it derives income solely from the above referenced logistics as well as administrative and management services.
Transactions project participants receive pre-negotiated and immediate payouts.
To become a Supplier please provide your contact, product and price information, along with questions that help define customer requirements.
Terms of Service
Procurement at Cost - we identify the low cost/best value offer and arrange transport, insurance and other services, if any, required to complete the transaction;
Payments - to buyers and suppliers are made by Arezza;
The Contractual Relationship is on a project and/or transaction basis;
Fee Schedule based on the number of transactions completed in 30 calendar days;
Billing - invoices paid on-demand; fees, where applicable, are paid monthly.
collaborative systems that deliver seamless customer experiences