for Specific Quality of Life Factors
Good Plan presents criteria for assessing the effect of past and anticipated
growth for each quality of life factor; this information is presented in table
and map format. The grading process contains a list of quality of life factors;
for each, the question is whether the criteria data is present in the list or
table at the recommended level of detail. If lists or tables are not present,
then check the table of contents to see if there is a chapter that addresses
the quality of life factor or search the plan for keywords.
New Plan for Your Area if your current plan is about to expire or rates poorly based on the Quality of Life Growth Management
system, we can assist you in carrying out the outlined steps and/or conduct a community workshop and assist you in
formulating a planning strategy for
your community.
Anticipated Growth
refers to the growth anticipated in the plan. Usually the focus is on how
population will change by a target year set a decade or more into the future to
predict how the number of houses will change along with traffic volume,
impervious area and water resource impacts, changes to police staffing and
other public safety functions.
Planning Area
is the geographical
area covered by the plan. If the planning area is diverse, then data
regarding quality of life factors should be provided for each distinct subarea.
Points and Letter Grades five questions are presented for each of the
specific quality of life factors. A firm, unequivocal YES
to a question equals one point. There
are situations where a question can be partially answered yes in which case a point
value of less than one is an option. For
example, the fourth question for each factor is usually in two-parts: are actions recommended for resolving a
negative effect, and does the plan contain text providing the factual basis for
why the action is likely to achieve the degree of resolution claimed?
A half-point would be justified for a Yes to either of this two-part question.
A Yes to
all five questions yields a total score of 5 points and a letter grade of A. Lesser totals equal letter grades of: 4 = B; 3
= C; 2 = D; 1 = E; 0 = F. If you assess more
than one specific quality of life factor then the average score can be equated
to a letter grade using this same scale. For example, an average of 3.4
would be rounded to 3 for a C or you can call it a C+. A 3.6 average
could be rounded up to a 4 or B. You could also call it a B-.
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a Quality of Life Growth Management Process
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