

Washington, DC e Dintorni

luoghi storici musei arte musica e natura

L’area metropolitana di Washington DC merita di essere visitata, e scoperta, non solo per vedere da vicino musei e monumenti ma anche per ammirare  le sue molte case d’epoca e costruzioni tecnologicamente evolute e per conoscere i residenti che provengono da tutti gli Stati dell’Unione e quasi tutti i paesi del mondo. La capitale ed i suoi sobborghi, sono artefici di una economia locale unica, spinta dalla forte presenza del governo federale e, piu’ recentemente, dallo sviluppo del centro e di quartieri abitativi. Cio’ ha anche comportato una notevole domanda per ritrovi notturni e attivita’ per il fine settimana per i residenti, altamente istruiti e portati all’ambiente, nonche’ turisti americani e internazionali.
una esperienza americana di full immersion
Luoghi storici e musei Il Mall è un grande parco al centro della città che contiene tra l’altro: i monumenti ai presidenti Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt e Lincoln, monumenti ai veterani della seconda guerra mondiale ed i conflitti in Korea e Vietnam. Al centro del mall, sorgono la piscina riflettente ed il tidal basin circondati da alberi di fiori di ciliegio giapponesi.
Ai margini del Mall sorge il complesso dei musei Smithsonian, una fondazione sorta nel 1846 che gestisce l’omonimo complesso museale, la maggior parte gratuiti. Il più visitato dei musei di Smithsonian è il Museo di Storia Naturale, seguito dal Museo dello Spazio, il Museo di Arte Africana, il Museo di Storia Americana ed  Il Castello, che funge anche da il quartier generale per la fondazione.  Il Museo D'arte americano (in passato conosciuto come il Museo Nazionale di Arte americana) è ubicato nello stesso edificio.
La Galleria Nazionale d’ Arte è vicino al Campidoglio, ma non è parte dello Smithsonian. È invece di proprietà dal governo americano. La galleria ovest contiene collezioni americane e di arte europea del diciannovesimo secolo mentre la galleria est specializza in arte moderna. Vi sono molti musei d'arte privati nel Distretto di Columbia come: il Museo Nazionale di Donne nelle Arti; la Galleria Corcoran, il più grande museo privato a Washington; e la Collezione Phillips, il primo museo di arte moderna negli Stati Uniti. Altri musei privati a Washington includono il Newseum, il Museo delle Spie Internazionale, il Museo della National Geographic Society ed il Museo dell' Olocausto.
Spettacolo e Musica Washington,  D.C. è un centro nazionale per le arti. Il Centro Kennedy per l'arte e lo spettacolo è la casa all'Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale, l'Opera Nazionale ed il Balletto di Washington. La U Street Corridor include ritrovi di musica jazz e lo storico Teatro di Lincoln. Altri luoghi di ritrovo di jazz e blues sono nei quartieri caratteristici di Georgetown e Adams Morgan.
Silver Spring, Maryland ubicata nella Contea Montgomery, una della comunita’ piu’ affluenti del paese e strategicamente locata per visitare la capitale, Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay e la Eastern Shore.
Arte e Trattenimento Silver Spring ospita diversi programmi musicali, etnici e di trattenimento vario durante l’arco dell’anno, tra cui la parata per la Festa del Ringraziamento e il Silver Spring Jazz Festival. 
In quanto altamenta diversificata da un punto di vista etnico, la cucina presente a Silver Spring include: Americana, Afgana, Africana, Burmese, Etiopica, Marocchina, Italiana, Messicana, Salvadoriana, Jamaicana, Vietnamese e Libanese. Il centro cittadino offer esempi di arte pubblica, opportunita’ di shopping, un mercato degli agricoltori ed altri mercatini tradizionali all’aperto e nel mall.
Innovazione questa comunita’ e’ all’avanguardia di pratiche innovative. Con una cittadinanza che segue l’ambiente con grande attenzione nonche’ il suo ruolo tradizionale di centro trasporti regionali, Silver Spring e’ innovatrice nell’ efficienza energetica, la gestione di risorse idriche, servizi di istruzione e formazione. Diversi sentieri ciclabili e per camminare offrono a residenti e visitatori alternative per raggiungere le altre comunita’ nel territorio metropolitano.
I Sentieri del Fiume Potomac i Fiumi Potomac, Anacostia, Patuxent e Wicomico, con vari canali, tributari e ruscelli, sono le principali arterie fluviali di questa regione. Il Bacino Idrico del Fiume Anacostia consiste di 176 miglia quadre tra il Distretto di Columbia e le Contee Prince George’s ae Montgomery nel Maryland. L’Anacostia comprende 13 fiumi tributari e parte da Bladensburg seguendo un percorso 8,5 miglia prima di incontrarsi con il Potomac presso Hains Point a Washington, DC.
Sentieri e Porti Fluviali la parola Anacostia proviene dal termine indiano-americano Nacotchtank anaquash; significa centro commerciale del villaggio. Nel ‘700, il porto di Bladensburg aveva una profondita’ di 40 piedi (12 metri) ed era l’approdo principale per la flotta coloniale inglese. Oggi, e’ di 1 metro. Durante l’Ottocento, il fiume attraversava 2500 acri di paludi, di cui oggi ne restano appena 150.
Natura l’ Anacostia ospita 188 specie di uccelli e 50 di pesce, tra cui: aquile, castori, pesce persico bianco, falchi pescatori, striped bass, cormorani, gamberi, aironi, tartarughe, lontre, aringhe, volpe rossa, shad, martin pescatori, e pesce gatto.


The Romans and the Etruscans in Lazio Region

Rome Architecture Monuments Museums Archeological Parks and Volcanic Lazio

Lazio - Latium is mainly flat and hilly, with small mountainous areas in the eastern and southern districts. The coastline is mainly composed of sandy beaches. Behind the coastal strip, to the north, lies the coastal plain of Maremma Laziale. The center is occupied by the Roman countryside, a vast alluvial plain surrounding the city of Rome, and the south is characterized by flatlands. The Apennines of Latium are marked by the Tiber River valley and three mountains of volcanic origin whose craters are occupied by Lakes Bolsena, Vico and Bracciano. South of the Tiber, the Alban Hills, are also of volcanic origin.  

Ancient Rome Campo Marzio, today’s Torre Argentina and adjacent to the Tiber, is where the Roman army mustered and local politics took place. From here, it is a short walking distance to the alley of the historic center, the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.
Baroque Rome Piazza Navona was the the center of Rome during the 17th century. Other baroque era buildings in the historic center include: Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza and its magnificent facade, the Borromini bell towers and the San Luigi dei Francesi Church with works by Caravaggio.
Renaissance Rome Palazzo Farnese, home of the embassy of France, is considered the most beautiful building of this period, along with the Palazzo della Cancelleria Vaticana, Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, Palazzo Venezia. Rome’s capitol square and it’s city hall today, was planned by Michelangelo.
The Aventine Hill is where Remus positioned himself in his quest to give birth to the city. Breathtaking bird’s eye views include the Circo Massimo, the Palatine Imperial Palace and the Church of Santa Prisca.
Saint Peter Square and Basilica is representative of two thousand years of history and faith as recounted by the universal language of art.

Villa d’Este Tivoli an Italian baroque garden with large numbers of fountains, nymphs, caves, water and hydraulic works, reminiscent of the gardens of Babylonia, and an example of Roman engineering skills.

Civita di Bagnoregio can be reached only via a foot bridge. This unique example of an Italian borgo is continually subject to erosion from the hill on which it stands and the valley below.

Rome and Lazio Country and City Itineraries Local Folklore and Traditions

Museums and Archeological Parks
The Coloseum Amphitheatrum Flavium was a multi purpose stage for gladiator fights and other public events; it held as much as 75 thousand spectators and contained several technological features.

The Roman Forum the heart of the ancient city, it starts from the Arch of Titus and unfolds along the Via Sacra, site of parades honoring victorious Roman legions. Among the Forum’s monuments: Massenzio’s Basilica; the Temple of Antonino and Faustina; Caesar’s Temple; the Curia; Settimio’s Arch; the Temples of Concordia and Saturn; the Tabularium and the State Archives.

Appia Archeological Park the first and most important road connecting Rome with its provinces was the Via Appia, also known as Regina Viarum. Beginning with the Aurelian Walls, heading south, there are a succession of suburban monuments including Massenzio’s villa and circus, Cecilia Metella’s sepulcher, Caetani Castle and the Bove Cape archeological area and baths.

Villa Giulia Etruscan Museum a magnificent building that houses major finds that present the mysterious Etruscans during various periods of their history: domination of the seas during the 7th   century; the maritime and commercial power of the 6th century; crisis during the 5th century; their funeral rites; politics and religion in their communities and the gradual takeover by the Romans.

Ancient Roman Paintings in Palazzo Massimo, part of the Museo Nazionale Romano, where frescoes from two Augustus era villas were restored: villa Farnesina and Villa Livia. The finds on display consent a thorough reconstruction of Roman fresco, tempera and encaustic reconstruction techniques.

Rome’s Ancient Christian Basilicas contains numerous examples of polychrome mosaics that closely resemble those present in imperial buildings. This itinerary includes: Santa Prassede, Santa Pudenziana, and the Basilicas of Santa Maria Maggiore SS Cosma and Damianno.
Domitilla Catacombs is one of the largest underground Christian cemeteries, containing the remains of Nereo, Achìlleo and two centurions persecuted by Diocletian. The itinerary includes the Flavi hypogeum, a pagan site that holds some Christian remains.

The Ostia Antica Archeological Park is one of the best preserved Roman era urban areas. Following the emperor Hadrian’s redevelopment of Rome’s port, Ostia reached a population of 100 thousand.

Villa Adriana Tivoli and the Archeological Park were built in 117 ad as Hadrian’s residence away from the chaos of Rome. The archeological park is as large as Pompeii’s. This UNESCO site is an example of Roman architectural and technological know-how.
Virtual Etruscans at the Cerveteri Necropolis a setting that gives us important clues regarding the urban layout of Etruscan cities. The Necropolis has two multimedia virtual reality itineraries.
The Cerveteri Etruscan Museum in Ruspoli Castle and Cerveteri’s historic center, holds finds from the nearby necropolis as well as ancient Etruscan instruments, equipment and jewelry.

Via Amerina is an ancient Roman road connecting Rome and Amelia that features Roman era bridges, two volcanos and a series of ravines. Alongside, courtyards containing tombs and imprints from the wagons that traveled this road 2500 years ago.

The Monterozzi Etruscan Necropolis in Tarquinia is 6 Km long hill that contains six thousand Etruscan tombs, of which 200 with paintings. For this it is considered the most important necropolis in the Mediterranean basin and has been referred to as the first chapter in the history of Italian paintings.

The Etruscan Archeological Museum in Tarquinia is on three levels: the ground floor contains sarcophagy and other Greek marble sculptures belonging to the most important Etruscan families in Tarquinia; the first floor holds ceramic displays, Etruscan bronze vases and coins, Roman gold coins, gold jewelry made with the granulation technique and gift offerings to receive favor from the divinities; the second floor presents spectacular views of Tarquinia and surrounding countryside.

The Vulci Archeological and Nature Park presents the excavations of the Etruscan-Roman town as well as the tombs of Etruscan nobles in an uncontaminated setting: a canyon formed by dark volcanic rock, sculpted by the waters of the Fiora River; a plateau populated by majestic maremmano cows and wild horses; and the river banks acting as refuge for boars and hares.

Volcanic Lazio
Rocca di Papa Seismic Lab is the first Italian center for seismic education. Multimedia, interactive and lab activities on eartquake forecasting and building assessments. The Rocca di Papa Geophysics Museums presents eartquake measuring instruments.
The Sea and Volcanoes in Rome under the monuments, a trail of seas and volcanoes characterizes the archeological and geophysical history of ancient Rome. The itinerary includes the Tarpea cliffs, the Imperial Forum, Capitol Hill and Trajan’s market.
Appian Way Lava an itinerary that traces a 12 Km lava flow along the road from the tomb of Cecilia Metella, through Massenzio’s Circus and ending at the baths of Villa Capo di Bove.
Volcanoes at Rome’s Gates a visit to Mount Tuscolo’s giant crater and two smaller ones that are now Lakes Albano and Nemi.

The Caldara Di Manziana is still active in the Bracciano and Martignano Park with pools of sulphuric water; their origin is the magma chamber of the ancient Sabatino volcano. The word "Caldara" is from a popular Italian expression referring to a large pot of boiling water.

Lazio’s Volcanic Beach the Tor Caldara Reserve near Anzio is a forest and the sea terminal of Lazio’s volcanic region; the area is characterized by resurgences that form pools of water gurgling yellow sulfur fumes and deposits that give the rocky coastline an unusual appearance.

Treja Valley and Mount Gelato the excursion begins 40 Km from Rome with a descent along the Treja River banks that lead to a series of waterfalls and basin. On top of falls, an 11th century watermill that was active until the 1950s to grind cereals. The mills’ energy transmission system is still in place.


Winter Holiday Travel in Italy Portugal the Netherlands and Germany

Family Vacations Food and Wine Itineraries Medieval Villages Nature Parks

Abruzzo is located on the Adriatic Coast, east of Rome. It is home to national parks, hilltop medieval and Renaissance towns and numerous nature reserves. The Apennine mountain chain forms much of its interior while the coastal plain has sandy beaches and dunes.
Basilicata, also known as Lucania, is a southern Italian region bordering with Campania to the west, Apulia to the north and east, and Calabria to the south, with one coastline on the Tyrrhenian Sea between Campania and Calabria, and a longer one in the Gulf of Taranto on the Ionian Sea.
Campania the ancient Romans called this region of Italy Campania Felix. Baia, Puteoli, Pompeii, Stabia and Capri were their favorite destinations. Then and now, Happy Campania is famed for its ancient ruins, coastal resorts and world renowned culinary traditions. A cultural and national capital for much of its nearly three thousand year history, Naples is home to art museums, the San Carlo opera house and a spectacular bay framed by Mt. Vesuvius, affectionately and fearfully referred to by the local inhabitants as The Monster
Rome Lazio is mainly flat and hilly, with small mountainous areas in the eastern and southern districts. The coastline is mainly composed of sandy beaches. Behind the coastal strip, to the north, lies the coastal plain of Maremma Laziale. The center is occupied by the Roman countryside, a vast alluvial plain surrounding the city of Rome, and the south is characterized by flatlands. The Apennines of Latium are marked by the Tiber River valley and three mountains of volcanic origin whose craters are occupied by Lakes Bolsena, Vico and Bracciano. South of the Tiber, the Alban Hills, are of volcanic origin.   
Marche is slowly being discovered as the new Italian frontier; an abridged expression of the varied charms of Italy with a variety of attractions offered seasonally and year- round, including: authentic foods, breathtaking landscapes, a lively cultural landscape, artistic and natural treasures. 
Puglia is located in southern Italy; it borders the Adriatic Sea in the east, the Ionian Sea to the southeast, and the Strait of Otranto and Gulf of Taranto in the south. Its southernmost portion, the Salento peninsula, forms a high heel on the boot of Italy. 

Lisbon Porto and the Douro Valley Lisbon a City of Lights and Contrasts is both Atlantic and Mediterranean, illuminated by an extraordinary light that contrasts with landscaped hills tumbling towards the Tagus river. 

Rotterdam Netherlands
Maritime Museums Walking and Boat Tours Original and fascinating professional guided walking tours. The heart of the second-largest city in the Netherlands lies inside a triangle of main roads. This inner city can easily be explored on foot within this triangle. The relatively short distances make a walk along beautiful and interesting sights and exceptional museums, the perfect way to discover Rotterdam. 

Düsseldorf Germany
Walking Tours Castles Fashion Museums and Rhine River Cruises Düsseldorf is the cosmopolitan capital of North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany`s state with the country`s largest population. The city has close to 600,000 inhabitants and is known for its old quarter – Altstadt – with nightlife and buildings which date back to the 16th century. Here, you can taste the famous Altbier – a dark beer.