

Green Hydrogen for Ports Marine Craft & Trucks


Production and Delivery of Green Hydrogen

For Ports Marine Craft and Trucks

 Clean Green Hydrogen hydrogen is the universe’s oldest, most abundant element; It is found in molecules like H20, where it is one of the basic ingredients, is extracted through electrolysis and stored as electrical energy. When combined with oxygen in a fuel cell, a flow of electrons is created, resulting in electricity used for multiple applications, including powering fuel cells, storage and used as renewable energy.

Clean Power Generation Fuel Cell Engines FCEs produce electricity without burning fuel, hence zero emissions with water as the primary byproduct. Fuel Cell stacks combine to form power modules, each comprising multiple stacks that efficiently generate electricity from the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
Sustainable Energy with Scalable Power a modular fuel cell technology that delivers consistent power that lasts throughout your duty-cycle.
Fuel Cell Engines power modules, along with balance-of-plant (BOP) components are integrated into a fuel cell engine. The BOP includes systems such as air and hydrogen supply, cooling, and control units, ensuring optimal conditions for the fuel cell stacks.This collaborative integration results in a compact and robust fuel cell engine capable of converting hydrogen into electricity with high  efficiency and reliability.
Refueling Stations for Hydrogen-Powered Ports Trucks and Ships
A Modular Hydrogen Platform is a scalable, skid mounted, electrolyzer system and ready-to-install; an industrial scale electrolyzer system based on proton exchange membrane (PEM) technology using renewable energy to power the process. 

Image By Parent55 - Own work, CC0, 




Preserving and Divulging the Cultural Heritage of Your Community


 The Museum Project

The Arezza Museums Project brings together talent and expertise to develop, promote and manage Cultural Heritage in communities that:

give meaning and purpose to the objects on display in your museum

disclose the historical and archaeological heritage of your community

leverage conservation and the rediscovery of cultural heritage through the arts, history, archeology, literature and architecture with a focus on

cultures associated with agricultural, coastal and river communities

as well as preserve biodiversity. 

Preserving and Divulging the Cultural Heritage of Your Community

Arezza would like to feature, at no cost, your museum and community.

Signup to participate in Arezza projects and tell us about your museum and community.


Know More About Museums

Community Museums Transit Stations and Libraries

Hammond-Harwood House Museum

The Capua Archeological and Provincial Museum

A Medieval Castle and Arms Museum Historic Great Lakes Towns    American River Trails     Heritage Travel


Inter Modal Planning for the US Waterways


Marine Truck Inter Modal Transport 

Inter Modal Planning for the US Waterways 

Arezza has developed a scalable, inter modal transportation and energy project for application in multiple locations. Key features include:
River, coastal, lake waterfront and inland locations
Transshipment services featuring trucks and marine craft
Hydrogen production and dispensing for local and regional use
Participation of area warehouses, fabricators and assemblers
Designed to supply local, regional and global clients.
Facilities are built  and managed by US and multinational technical and finance partners utilizing Build, Operate & Transfer BOT and Build, Own, Operate & Transfer BOOT projects.
Logistics Solutions for small and mid-size manufacturers, ports, coastal and river marine and inter modal companies in support of domestic and export sales via customer centered and sustainable supply chain management solutions located along the: 
Atlantic IntraCoastal and River Ports     Gulf IntraCoastal Ports
Tenn-Tom Waterway     Great Lakes Ports     Ohio River Valley
Upper Mississippi     Middle Mississippi     Lower Mississippi
Arkansas and Red River Ports     Missouri and Red River of the North




Exports Trading as a Service
Energy & Environment B2B Exports
Hydrogen Fuel Generation and Fuel Cells
Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Re-manufacturers
Port Transport Equipment - including ZEVs (zero emission vehicles)
Microgrids, Electric Utility and DERs - Distributed Energy Resources
Lighting Contract Manufacturing
Turnkey Manufacturing
Power Supply Contract Manufacturing
Private Label Contract Manufacturing
Solar and Wind Equipment and Components
Arezza provides domestic and export logistics, marketing, management and sales solutions in travel, multi modal cargo and passenger transportation, energy and life cycle manufacturing. 
Build, Operate & Transfer - and Technology Transfer Projects 
As a trading company, Arezza purchases products and services for sale to end users in the US domestic market as well as for export, with a focus on marine, environment and energy equipment small business manufacturers typically located in communities adjacent to America’s inland, lake and coastal waterways. 
Supply Chain as a Service
via multi modal waterborne and land transport 
Arezza leverages appropriate technologies to develop projects that utilize Pay x Use services designed to reduce transit times and costs in collaboration with local and regional partners.
  Inter Modal Transshipment Locations
Regional national and export-Import freight services that reduce transit costs.


Multi Modal Waterborne and Land Transport


Supply Chain as a Service

via multi modal waterborne and land transport

Arezza leverages appropriate technologies to develop projects that utilize Pay x Use services designed to reduce transit times and costs in collaboration with local and regional partners.
Customer Centered and Sustainable Transit Solutions 
Historically, maritime shipping has been the least cost service for the movement of passengers and cargo throughout the United States and globally. Modern technology solutions such as block chain, artificial intelligence AI and the internet of things IOT, among others, are increasingly utilized by waterborne shipping companies to improve energy efficiency and speed aboard ship, in compliance with  existing and planned environmental standards.
Simple and Affordable All–Inclusive Rates
The Arezza Supply Chain is a multi modal program that integrates inland waterways, coastal, lakes and canal transit with air, rail and trucking, where applicable, in order to offer shippers alternative door to door mobility solutions, that benefit manufacturers and other shippers seeking alternatives to produce goods and offer lifecycle services in the United States with state of the art, multi modal solutions to start-up or expand production facilities located in proximity to America’s extensive waterways network with local product and service suppliers.
Ports and Warehouses 
Ship Operators and their Inter Modal Partners that are increasingly benefiting from technological advancements in energy efficiency, carrier and cargo  tracking and routing software that help reduce transit times and operating costs.
A Catalyst for Sustainable Economic Development
Digital Bill of Materials - BOMs 
Bill of Materials require a collaborative effort in product development by:
Synchronizing multiple data sources to secure information
Providing easy access to the most up-to-date information
Tracking product variability for alternative manufacturing options
BOMs are digital threads for product development that connect  engineering manufacturing procurement sales finance and management
from FOB to CIF
Procurement at Cost – we identify the low cost, best value offer and arrange transport & insurance;
Payments – to buyers and suppliers are made by Arezza;
The Contractual Relationship is on a transaction basis;
Fee Schedule based on the number of transactions in 30 calendar days;
Billing – invoiced and paid on-demand ; fees are paid monthly.
Freight Terms of Service
Reservations contact us at least 36 hours in advance, indicating number of items and dimensions of each item to be shipped, estimated miles, departure and arrival addresses. You will be charged for the actual point to point transfer miles, as defined by the pick-up and delivery information you provide.
Cancellation without penalty at any time prior to event start
Find out about LaaS -Logistics as a Service
Inland Coastal and Great Lakes
 Intermodal Transshipment Locations - Regional national and export-Import freight services designed to reduce transit costs and ensure the timely delivery to final destination.
Project and Transaction Planner
                                                       Cargo        Manufacturing        EaaS


At Your Service to Reduce Time and Cost


Intercity and Local Mobility Services


Transit Logistics
Intercity and Local Mobility Services
Transit Logistics are intercity and local door-to-door mobility services designed to connect air and rail service in large cities with micropolitan areas to benefit:
vacationers who can maximize sightseeing time and reduce accommodation costs,
business travelers visiting multiple locations in a compressed time frame, long-distance commuters.
Objectives connect major air and rail metro hubs with micropolitan communities via intercity multimodal and local Micro Transit hub and spoke services to leverage travel client relationships and engage local product and service providers.
Customer Centered and Sustainable Transit Solutions
Community based entities designed to deliver services across the spectrum of transit modes and providers, including public transit, private operators, planners, and stakeholders to benefit local and regional customers.
The Logistics of Travel are defined as anchoring stays in strategic locations along planned trip routes conveniently located to points of interest and minimizing the number of accommodation changes; hence, fewer times packing and unpacking, lowering accommodations and transport costs in:
Hub and Spoke locations are smaller towns and rural communities with regional rail, bus, van, car and air connections strategically located within 200 or less miles of larger metropolitan areas.
Sightseeing, meals, and other planned events in a hub and spoke fashion, saving time and money, but also an opportunity to slow down and enjoy places and people.
Mode of Transport selections are a function of number of persons, trip length as well as the time of year you are traveling. Rationalizing travel movements, ascertaining transport mode(s) availability and costs are the key to a successful trip planning.

Best Planned by Those with Knowledge of the Places You Visit


Travel Planning and Destination Management


  Knowledge Tourism

 Travel Planning and Destination Management

The Knowledge Tourism concept brings together local customs, values, and traditions with expertise in a variety of disciplines to learn, experience and expand knowledge of the territory in a holistic program that addresses:

Community histories that take-into-account the shaping of economic development projects
Geography and historic trade routes that consider river, lake and coastal navigation, highways, wagon trails and rail routes to ensure sustainability and resilience.

Industry Commerce Agriculture and Sustainability

Places transitioning from traditional industrial and commercial activities to technologically innovative ones; in some instances, they are also able to re-establish their traditional economic activities with a successful application of the so-called knowledge economy and, in the process, becoming once again competitive in the world marketplace.

Best Experienced in the Company of Local Friends and Experts

Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world economy right up there with real estate, autos, and financial services. It is also highly segmented: business travel, meetings, cruises, family vacations, food, and wine travel, responsible, sustainable, ethical, and more.

Cultural Tourism assumes uniquely local dimensions wherever you go; the activities that you, the local or global visitor, select and, irrespective of the length of your stay, are unique to the community you are visiting and rooted into the local economy, culture and traditions.

Knowledge Tourism Means Going Where the Locals Go

Environment the importance to a community of environmental issues and practices like energy efficiency and water conservation cannot be underestimated, especially if tourism is an important contributor to the local economy.

Educated Travelers select destinations primarily on-the-basis of cultural, gastronomic, wellness and similar preferences; increasingly, they expect that the places they visit reflect their values on key issues like recycling practices, air and water quality, as well as the availability and quality of public transit.

Business Travelers require efficient plans to meet trip objectives. This may entail visiting several locations in a compressed period-of-time to seek investment and sales opportunities. They look to Main Streets shopping and entertainment venues, Historic Districts and other community neighborhoods that have or plan to put in place energy savings measures as well as other environmental safeguards that help reduce the cost of doing business in that local area.

A Successful Destination is defined as one that develops projects built around existing facilities that need upgrading and/or expansion to manage tourism flows and local production capabilities to enhance community offerings.

Communities as Anchors for Local and Regional Travel

Cultural Anchors Museums, Theaters and other Historic Buildings located on Main Street and in Historic Districts are repositories of a community’s values and traditions. Each Local Project integrates architecture with digital media and engages visitors through interaction with local citizens.

The best way to travel is in the company of people who live and work in the places you visit